Harmony Admin

Harmony admin is a Responsive Admin Template, Dashboard template, or webapp UI starter theme build on bootstrap. This theme uses may different jQuery plugins to add features like charts and dynamic tables.
This theme has following pages:
  • Dashboard Home
  • UI Elements:
    • Panels and Wells
    • Buttons
    • Notifications
    • Typography
    • Icon
    • Grid
  • Tables
  • Forms
  • Charts
  • Sample Page
    • Blank Page
    • Login Page
This theme could be used a starter template for most of the admin user interfaces. Tried to keep this theme as flexible as possible, so that you can easily extend it for extra features.
Some of the features included in this theme are:
  • Built with LESS
  • Multiple level responsive sidebar navigation menu
  • Theme looks great on small screens
  • Custom panel designs with multiple color
  • Custom class to design theme without touch code
  • Powerful jQuery plugin like:
    • chartData.js
    • dataTables for dynamic tables
    • fileInput.js
    • bootstrap-select
  • Also included awesome bootstrap checkbox for beautiful look checkboxes and a social icons from bootstrap social